+94 114 381385



SignHR Human Resource Information Software

SignHR Personnel Information module helps you to develop a centralized employee information database with ease. Enjoy fast, efficient access to your information through built-in selection and filter criteria.

This module works as the basement for employee details for the SignHR attendance and payroll software and records much employee information which carries importance to your organization.

What is in SignHR Human Resource Manager?...

Personnel Information

Identification information
Employees image
Birthday, annivesaries etc..
Contact information
Distance from home
Education details
Working experianes
Training details
Promtions and transfers
Document inventory

Family Information

Member identification details
Vital personal information
Contact details
Occupation status

Employement Contract

Define employee contract period
Dashboard monitoring
Contract renewal & break details
Reviewing contract history

Absent Management

Leave entitlement management
Standard and custom leave types
Company centric leave entitlement
Pre and post approval leave

Need more information? We will stand for you...

SignHR is a more practical, smart and easy software that will administrate your employee’s personnel records with accuracy in mind. This system is the outcome of numerous efforts taken by the best people in the industry over years.

In this special software, the customer is allowed to record employee information himself and he can later edit them if required.

If you need more information, you can submit a request with this inquiry form so that we can give you a personalized explanation.